If we have misspoken correct us.

You are the reformer and the master of all speech.



Mawlana Rumi weaves his inspirations from simple tales, earlier Sufi writings, learned discourses of predecessors, pieces of sacred history and his Quranic revelation into vast points of views that are between an objective presentation of the subjective and operative aspects involved in the attainment of the truth.
This insight into the intricate structure of the human soul which face the man who awakens, through initiation, to his own spiritual possibilities and who begins the journey toward oneness.

This collection represents some selected verses from the Quran translated by Sufi Master Mawlana, represented in illustrations with Farsi Nastaligh calligraphy, and the attributes of this insight are within the titles. Twenty chosen titles are available via links on the home page and the rest can be accessed from the Calligraphy-Presentations page.
 Rumi's poetry and unique voice of mysticism greatly influenced not only the Persian culture but many other cultures including the US, Europe, South East Asia and  Middle east..
My motivation for putting together these verses and translated poems is to shed further light on each of our inner spiritual journeys - which will hopefully end in self consciousness.  Or as Rumi quoted: "To know one's self is to be one with God.

To realize this collection I have been taught by my teachers to all of whom I wish to express my gratitude for the years of enlightenment, in-particular I am indebted to the memory of my mother who was always a source of energy and encouragement. Above all, I am deeply grateful to my loving husband for his patience and invaluable guidance over the years. Finally my many thanks go to my three children, friends and family for their support.
Mina Kani (Rezvani)

 Mina Rezvani Kani was born in Iran with a Masters degree in sociology,
Persian and English literature.   Mrs. Kani is a Quranic and Rumi scholar and
has always been fascinated with Persian mysticism.

The complete collection of these works will be available in a publication called: "A fire of love."



Callighraphy and painting : Mehrdad Mashoor
Gilding:  Iren Alipoor
Photoghraphy:  Rasool Behzadpoor


Website: Karim Boroumand / R.Barzi


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